Savings Rates

 Quarterly Rates   - 9/22/2023  Dividend Rate/APYBalances
 Share Savings  0.025% / 0.025%  $1,000 & Over
 Money Market  0.025% / 0.025%
 2.000% / 2.015%
 $1,000 - $99,999.99
 $100,000 & Over 
 Share Draft Checking Plus  0.025% / 0.025%  $500 & Over 
 Club Accounts  0.025% / 0.025%  $500 & Over
 IRA Share Savings  0.025% / 0.025%  $5 & Over
 Health Savings Account (HSA)  0.025% / 0.025%  $500 & Over

Dividends are paid and compounded quarterly using the average daily balance method. APY = Annual Percentage Yield.  Dollar amount stated earns an APY.  Fees could reduce the earnings on the account.  The rate may change after the account is opened. 

 Rates as of 11/05/2024  Dividend Rate/APY  Term
 Share Certificates  3.929% / 4.00%  12-Month

 Share Certificates  3.687% / 3.75%  24-Month
 Share Certificates  3.687% / 3.75%  36-Month
 Share Certificates  3.445% / 3.50%  48-Month
 Share Certificates  3.445% / 3.50%  60-Month
 Rates as of 9/20/2024  Dividend Rate/APY  Term
 IRA & Roth IRA Certificates  3.929% / 4.00%  12-Month
 IRA & Roth IRA Certificates (Special) 4.650% / 4.75% 13-Month
 IRA & Roth IRA Certificates  3.687% / 3.75%  24-Month
 IRA & Roth IRA Certificates  3.687% / 3.75%  36-Month
 IRA & Roth IRA Certificates  3.445% / 3.50%  48-Month
 IRA & Roth IRA Certificates 3.445% / 3.50%  60-Month

(Certificate Compounding Frequency is Monthly.  $500 Minimum to earn APY.  Penalty will be imposed for early withdrawal.)

Rates Subject to Change